

The information provided on this blog is related to me and general in all cases. I make my best effort to provide accurate information and detailed tutorials. But please take note I am not a licensed professional or medical expert, all the views are my personal views.To be sure of anything please consult an expert. You are reading and/or using any information from this blog at your own risk.
The products/services reviewed on this blog have been purchased by me unless stated otherwise. I cannot guarantee that all information provided here would be up to date and keeping with the latest developments. All are my personal and honest opinion.

All editorial content i.e. the articles and photographs provided on this blog belongs to me and is protected by copyright law. In case of photograph the sources will me mentioned if they are not mine.If you are the owner of those photographs and want them removed, please contact me and I will remove them immediately. Kindly do not copy any content without my permission.

Moonshine And Sunlight  accepts products for review from brands and public relations representatives. Receipt of a product, whether solicited or unsolicited, does not constitute a contract for a published review of the product or for the substance of any content produced that discusses the product. All products received are deemed to be gifts/commercial samples that do not form a contract for review and are not deemed to be compensation for any content that is written.

 If you want to publish anything from this blog you need my permission, for that you can contact me on priyanjana{at}moonshineandsunlight{dot}com.

Please read the collaboration policy for Social media related content here 

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